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Quote from Lorelai in A Tale of Poes and Fire

Lorelai: Wow, these have really changed.
Rory: What have?
Lorelai: The pro/con lists. In all the hubbub, they slipped my mind. Yale.
Rory: What about it?
Lorelai: Yale.
Rory: What do you mean?
Lorelai: Yale.
Rory: Stop saying Yale.
Lorelai: It has double the pros of the other two.
Rory: I wouldn't say double.
Lorelai: Triple over filthy, dirty Princeton. It's kicking butt.
Rory: But I'm not done collecting my data yet.
Lorelai: You have a document the length of Nicholas Nickleby here. Looks like you're done.

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