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Quote from Lorelai in The Big One

Max Medina: So, is Rory okay?
Lorelai: Oh, yeah, I just went back there. She's taking care of Paris, but she's good, thanks.
Max Medina: I must say, I've been a teacher for ten years now, and it wasn't until today I realized, it must be really hard to be a girl.
Lorelai: And with the invention of Sephora, really expensive, too.
Max Medina: I'm very sorry.
Lorelai: Oh, don't be. At least we get to wear skirts without being Scottish or riding a float in the gay pride parade.
Max Medina: That'll change someday my friend, and when it does, I still won't wear a skirt. But I'll applaud those that do, and then cross the street so nobody sees I'm with them.

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