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Quote from Emily in Face-Off

Emily: I'm not allowed to go home.
Lorelai: What?
Emily: She's banished me from my own house.
Lorelai: Gran?
Emily: She's gone mad. This morning she announces that she's hosting a meeting of her bitter old biddies club at our house tonight and she needs the entire day to prepare because the house is in such a shambles.
Lorelai: Nice, subtle.
Emily: Then I was handed a list of chores and asked not to come home until at least six o'clock because I would simply be in the way.
Lorelai: Mom, she's only staying with you for a few days.
Emily: I have to buy her flowers. She doesn't like mine, they're too tall. It's ostentatious to have flowers that tall.
Lorelai: Actually, I've been meaning to mention that to you myself.
Emily: I have to get new guest towels. I have to get new highball glasses. I have to get four very specific types of cheese. And I have to get a slide projector because they're going to view slides of potential acquisitions for the museum that they're on the board of.
Lorelai: Okay, Mom...
Emily: Of course, I haven't the faintest idea of where to find a slide projector. I feel like I'm going insane.

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