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Quote from Rory in Dear Emily and Richard

Rory: [on the phone] Mom, they're giving me gloves!
Lorelai: What are you talking about?
Rory: I don't want gloves, I don't want a gown, I don't wanna be in there.
Lorelai: In where?
Rory: In the delivery room with Sherry.
Lorelai: What?
Rory: Dad's not here yet and she's freaking out and she told the nurse I'm going in and...
Lorelai: Where are her other friends?
Rory: They had to work. I'm here all by myself and I'm trying very hard to be calm but I'm starting to feel nauseous, and the hospital has a smell, and there are noises, and those gowns do not stay closed and I've seen a lot of butts today!

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