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Quote from Lorelai in Lorelai's Graduation Day

Rory: Where is this place?
Lorelai: Not too far.
Rory: You've been saying that for miles. My feet are sore.
Lorelai: When did you become older than me?
Rory: Tell me what this new breakfast place is, and I'll be quiet.
Lorelai: It an amazing new mystery place I found. That's all I'm telling you.
Rory: Just tell me if it's in this town or the next?
Lorelai: We don't patronize the next town.
Rory: Since when?
Lorelai: I don't know. Didn't they feed lead to our jumping frog or something?
Rory: Oh, yeah, right after they stoned the woman who won the lottery.
Lorelai: See, so the boycott's legit.

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