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Quote from Rory in It Should've Been Lorelai

Lorelai: When you've thought about me and your dad, what have you been thinking all these years?
Rory: Um, what do you mean?
Lorelai: I mean, did you ever picture us potentially together like, "we are family" together?
Rory: Not really.
Lorelai: But, sort of? It crossed your mind?
Rory: I feel like I'm on The Ricki Lake Show.
Lorelai: Go, Rory! Go, Rory.
Rory: Well, I'll admit I have pictured the three of us living together at various times but in the way that all kids picture their estranged parents living together. The way they should be together, but it's stupid.
Lorelai: It's not stupid.
Rory: Yeah, I've pictured it.

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