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Quote from Luke in Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy

Lorelai: You should've heard him talking.
Luke: I don't need to hear him talking. He's my nephew and I know what I'm doing and I'm getting a little tired of your condescending-
Lorelai: I'm not being condescending.
Luke: Oh, you have a kid, so you know everything, right?
Lorelai: I have a kid, so, yeah, I know a little more than you do.
Luke: You ever think maybe you just got lucky with Rory? I mean, you did get pregnant at 16. That doesn't show the greatest decision-making skills, now, does it?
Lorelai: Wow. Two pies.
Luke: What the hell are you talking about?
Lorelai: Nothing. I'm talking about nothing. And you won't have to hear my opinion on anything ever again, okay?
Luke: Don't tease.
Lorelai: Go find Jess.
Luke: Don't tell me what to do.

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