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Quote from Emily in The Road Trip to Harvard

Emily: Oh, my God. You didn't.
Lorelai: What?
Emily: You did!
Lorelai: I did what?
Emily: You eloped. I knew you'd do it. I knew you'd do anything to keep me out of this wedding.
Lorelai: Mom, that's not-
Emily: Well, that is just cruel, Lorelai. A mother waits and plans for this day, even your mother.
Lorelai: Yes, but-
Emily: I bought a new dress. I got my hair done.
Lorelai: It looks nice.
Emily: And tonight you just waltz in here, torture me for hours with these ridiculous slides, only to let me know at the last possible minute-
Lorelai: Mom, Max and I are not together anymore. The wedding is off.

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