Quote from Lorelai in Hammers and Veils
Lorelai: Hey, Mom. I was in the neighborhood because there's that wedding dress place on Willow. Elizabeth Taylor bought one of her dresses there. Anyway, I was trying to make a decision about a veil. And I thought maybe you might have an opinion about which one would look best on me 'cause you know me. So I thought I'd stop by and ask you which one you thought would be good. On me. So... which one? Emily: You're quite capable of choosing that yourself, Lorelai. Lorelai: I'm sorry. Emily: All right, you're sorry. Lorelai: I don't know how to tell you things, Mom. I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but we don't communicate very well. When something good happens to me, I'm just afraid you're going to make me feel bad about it. When something bad happens to me, I'm always afraid you'll say, "I told you so." I'm not sure if that's always fair. And I'm sure I share part of the blame for this circle we get into. But... You think your words don't have any effect on me. But they do. And... I just didn't want to feel bad about this. So I waited. And I really didn't mean to hurt you. I will let you get back to that letter there. Emily: Your head is much too big for a veil. You might consider a tiara. Lorelai: A tiara? Emily: That's what I wore. Lorelai: Okay. I'll think about that.