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Quote from Lorelai in Partings

Lorelai: My parents have been married for 40 years, and that's, like, mind-blowing for me because there is no one worse at communication than my mother, except my father and most of my relatives. It is not a chatty group, basically. Everything in the Gilmore house was "Don't talk about it. Shove it aside." And of course, I talked about it and shoved it right in your face, but still, I don't know. I never saw myself getting married.
Lynnie: Never?
Lorelai: Not until Max asked me... I think. I mean, I guess I thought about marrying Christopher when everyone was freaking out because I was pregnant, but I never thought about it in a longingly, good way.
Lynnie: That could be why.
Lorelai: Why?
Lynnie: Well, marriage was just a solution to a problem, not anything romantic or because you were in love. Plus it came from your parents.
Lorelai: I love that I've got one more thing to blame my mother for.

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