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Quote from Lane in A House Is Not a Home

Mrs. Kim: All of you, gather round, please. Do not stand there looking stupid! Move! Okay. You start at the First Lady of Our Sacred Heart on the fourth. The Church of the Open Hand on the sixth. Chapel Hill on the tenth. The big auditorium, not the Sunday school room.
Zach: Are you sensing a pattern here?
Gil: Well, they do have kind of a horseshoe shape. It looks pretty well thought out.
Zach: No. They're all churches.
Lane: Not churches. Theatres in churches.
Mrs. Kim: I have contacts with the entire east coast's Seventh Day Adventist entertainment circuit. Dates back to my days in an all-girl Christian tambourine band.
Zach: What?
Mrs. Kim: I have you booked solid for two months. Families in each town will take you in, feed you, put you up...

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