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Quote from Lorelai in Emily in Wonderland

Rory: You're awfully quiet.
Lorelai: I am?
Rory: You hardly said anything at dinner.
Lorelai: I was chewing.
Rory: You didn't say anything on the ride home.
Lorelai: I was concentrating.
Rory: On?
Lorelai: Well, I feel I've gotten sloppy with this whole...
Rory: Uh-huh.
Lorelai: Yeah, seriously. The other day, I caught myself doing a 9 and 4.
Rory: Mom.
Lorelai: If left uncorrected, that can only lead to a 6 and 12. Or, worse yet, an 8 and 11 which is not only dangerous, but damn uncomfortable.

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