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Quote from Lorelai in That Damn Donna Reed

Sookie: My point is that you called Luke. Out of all the people you could have called that would have come and dropped what they were doing, you called Luke.
Lorelai: Because I had just been with him. We were picking out paint samples. He was on my mind. It was purely a timing thing.
Sookie: Picking out paint samples?
Lorelai: Yes.
Sookie: For Luke's place?
Lorelai: Yes.
Sookie: So you could paint together?
Lorelai: Once again, yes.
Sookie: Which, I believe, was your idea.
Lorelai: So now the fact that I suggested painting Luke's diner also means that I wanted to get him in bed. All of a sudden I'm trying to get any poor, unsuspecting person in bed with me. I'm like Michael Douglas.

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