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Quote from Lorelai in That Damn Donna Reed

Lorelai: Okay. How about this? I'll help you. I love to paint.
Luke: You do?
Lorelai: Yes, I do.
Luke: You love it?
Lorelai: I want to marry it.
Luke: You have strange passions.
Rory: She likes washing dishes, too. She's multifaceted abnormal.
Lorelai: Oh, come on. We'll drink a couple of beers, sing painting songs.
Luke: Painting songs?
Lorelai: Yeah, painting songs. Like, you know, the song that goes... [sings] Grab your brush and grab your rollers All you kids and all you bowlers We're going paintin' today... [talks] Say yes, or there's another verse.
Luke: Well, I guess maybe if I had help.

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