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Quote from Rory in That Damn Donna Reed

Dean: As really amazing as this whole thing was... I mean, the music, the outfit, the dinner I hope you know that I don't expect you to be Donna Reed. And I don't want you to be Donna Reed. That's not what I meant. This just totally got blown out of proportion. I'm actually pretty happy with you.
Rory: I know and I appreciate that, but aside from this actually being fun, I did a little research on Donna Reed.
Dean: You did research on Donna Reed?
Rory: Look. See, she did do the whole milk and cookies, wholesome, big-skirt thing. But aside from that she was an uncredited producer and director on her television show which made her one of the first woman TV executives which is actually pretty impressive.
Dean: Well, I'm glad this turned out to be such a positive experience for you.
Rory: It has been. And even though I'll probably never get the feeling back in my left little toe, I'd do it again.
Dean: Yeah?
Rory: Someday. But for now, I better get these dishes cleaned up.
Dean: Oh, well, I'll help.
Rory: Sorry, you're a man. You can't help for another 15 years.
Dean: Okay, well, then as the man, I will do what the man is supposed to do.
Rory: Go bowling?
Dean: Take out the trash.

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