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Quote from Kirk in An Affair to Remember

Luke: Kirk, Kirk, I am not gonna fight with you over you not believing that this girl likes you because, to be honest with you, I'm a little fuzzy on the "why" myself, but the bottom line is she does.
Kirk: She does?
Luke: Yes, she's laughing and smiling, and buckle up, cowboy, because I think she might actually touch you again.
Kirk: You think?
Luke: There's a frightening chance she might, so my advice to you is to go back over there and continue doing what you've been doing.
Kirk: I was doing my Jon Cryer from Pretty in Pink impression.
Luke: Duckie?
Kirk: Yes, Duckie.
Luke: Were you near the end of the movie yet?
Kirk: No, just getting to the "Try a Little Tenderness" moment.
Luke: You've got plenty of ammo left.

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