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Quote from Rory in The Fundamental Things Apply

Rory: Well, this guy asked me to go try this restaurant this weekend, but it was a totally casual thing.
Lorelai: So what'd you tell him?
Rory: That I was busy.
Lorelai: You don't like him?
Rory: No, I like him fine. I mean, he's smart, and he takes my side in the debates, and he's decent to look at.
Lorelai: So, why'd you say no? Too many clothes?
Rory: I don't know. He he carries a bottle of water around with him all the time. That's just weird.
Lorelai: Right. Hydration. Very creepy.
Rory: And he's preppy, and I don't really like preppy. Plus, he's gonna go study in Barcelona next year.
Lorelai: So?
Rory: So it's a waste of time. It can't go anywhere.
Lorelai: It could go to dinner, maybe a movie.

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