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Quote from Emily in Paris Is Burning

Emily: When I heard I almost fainted.
Lorelai: How- How did you hear, Mom?
Emily: I have friends, Lorelai. Headmaster Charleston's wife for one.
Lorelai: Oh, that's great.
Emily: The entire school is talking about it. And what do I say? How do I defend this?
Lorelai: It was a mistake.
Emily: A mistake? A mistake? Is that what you call it?
Lorelai: Well, I tried to call it Al, but it would only answer to mistake.
Emily: A mistake is when you throw out your credit card bill. A mistake is when you forget to RSVP to a dinner party. A mistake is when the gardeners miss trash day and the barrels are full for a week. This, my girl, was not a mistake.

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