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Quote from Lorelai in Love and War Show

Lane: God, I'm so humiliated. I can't ever go back to school. I'll have to be home-schooled. My mother finally gets her way.
Lorelai: Look at it from a different perspective. You have so many years of screw-ups ahead of you. View this as a trial run for really grown-up humiliation.
Lane: So not helping.
Lorelai: Maybe you should be a hairdresser.
Lane: Lorelai.
Lorelai: Yes, it's perfect. Then you can run your hands through anybody's hair and they'll pay you for it.
Lane: What am I going to do? Everyone at school's gonna be talking about me. I can't show my face.
Lorelai: Everybody does stupid things in high school. It's, like, a requirement.
Lane: Not like this.
Lorelai: No, some people get pregnant. Talk about something really juicy for the gossip mill.
Lane: I forgot about that.
Lorelai: Yeah. Everybody screws up, Lane. That's what happens. It's what you do with the screw-ups. It's how you handle the experience. That's what you should judge yourself by. I have a great life and an amazing kid. And I took a detour. I ended up someplace good.

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