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Quote from Rory in Cinnamon's Wake

Miss Patty: Well, what are you here for, honey?
Rory: Well, I just...
Miss Patty: Oh, I see what you're here for. That wouldn't fit in a basket. No, no, no, no.
Rory: Patty, it's not like that. He's just a person.
Miss Patty: A person?
Rory: A boy-type person.
Miss Patty: My favorite kind.
Rory: I really don't even know him.
Miss Patty: Right. You don't know him?
Rory: I don't.
Miss Patty: You said.
Rory: Please don't say anything.
Miss Patty: I promise I won't tell a soul that you don't know that young man.
Rory: Thank you.
Miss Patty: You're welcome.

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