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Quote from Lorelai in Cinnamon's Wake

Lorelai: So, we never did quite settle the whole dating-your-teacher issue. I won't go out with him if you don't want me to.
Rory: You can go out with whoever you want.
Lorelai: It's whoever we want.
Rory: I'm certainly not gonna go out with him 'cause that'd be really weird.
Lorelai: But I mean it. I won't see him if you don't want me to. If there's anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, big or small then he's out of there.
Rory: Good to know.
Lorelai: Because, you know, it's not like I'm desperate. I mean, there are plenty of other guys out there.
Rory: Sure are.
Lorelai: And it's not like I have to ask your permission. I mean, this is a courtesy.
Rory: Okay. [exits]
Lorelai: Okay, so, I'm gonna be up for a while if you want to get back to me on this.
Rory: [o.s.] I know where you are. [comes out] Think you could keep him out late on Thursday night? I have this oral exam on Friday that I'd really love him to sleep through.
Lorelai: I'll do my best.

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