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Quote from Lorelai in The Deer Hunters

Max Medina: How is she liking Chilton?
Lorelai: She loves it.
Max Medina: Really?
Lorelai: Yeah. It's an adjustment, of course. But she's always wanted to go to Harvard. This is how she'll get there.
Max Medina: Harvard?
Lorelai: Ever since she could crawl, I've really wanted her to go there.
Max Medina: It's a great school.
Lorelai: I actually bought her a Harvard sweatshirt when she was four. Of course, it was way too big for her. So she used it as a blanket for a while, and then as a diaper on this shopping trip. And now I've told you a story that would so mortify her she'll kill me when she finds out you know.
Max Medina: Don't tell her then. It'll be our secret.
Lorelai: Well, I appreciate that.

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