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Quote from Lorelai in Kill Me Now

Lorelai: Is that my sweater?
Rory: What?
Lorelai: You're wearing my sweater.
Rory: So?
Lorelai: No, it's okay. It's just I thought I asked you to at least ask before you borrow my stuff.
Rory: I'm sorry.
Lorelai: It's okay. It's just, it's not too much for a simple "Can I borrow it, Mom?" is it?
Rory: No, it's not. Jeez, lighten up.
Lorelai: It's my favorite sweater, too.
Rory: Since when?
Lorelai: Since always.
Rory: This is not your favorite sweater.
Lorelai: Yes, it is. Now it's gonna be stretched out, like everything you borrow.

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