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Quote from Lorelai in Kill Me Now

Lorelai: It's not about the sweater. It's about the golfing thing and the liking-it thing. She had fun, Sookie, just like my mother said she would.
Sookie: Yeah, that's gotta hurt.
Lorelai: [sighs] She should have fun. I mean, I want her to have a good relationship with her grandparents. Just because I don't doesn't mean she shouldn't, right?
Sookie: Right.
Lorelai: Right? So then, why was I trying to get her out of Friday night dinner? What, am I trying to undermine their relationship?
Sookie: No, you weren't.
Lorelai: Yes, I was.
Sookie: Yes, you were.
Lorelai: Yes, I'm 4 years old.

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