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Quote from Emily in The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton

Hanlin Charleston: Ms. Gilmore, I'm Headmaster Charleston.
Lorelai: Hi. Wow. It's really nice to meet... Mom. Um, what are you doing here?
Emily: I came to wish my granddaughter luck on her first day of school. Rory, you look wonderful in that uniform.
Lorelai: Uh, you didn't have to come all the way out here, Mom.
Emily: Well, this gave me a chance to make sure that Hanlin here takes good care of Rory.
Lorelai: You're Hanlin.
Hanlin Charleston: Hanlin Charleston.
Emily: Hanlin's wife and I are on the Symphony Fundraising Committee together.
Lorelai: Wow. That's great.
Hanlin Charleston: Your father and I are golf rivals. We're still fighting it out to see which one is worse.
Emily: Oh, yes. We're all old friends.
Lorelai: Well, there's nothing like friends. Especially if they're old ones.

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