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Quote from Luke in Happy Birthday, Baby

Mrs. Leahy: The whole experience is like the most fabulous roller coaster ride you can imagine. From the time they're born to that first step. The first word. The first time they hug you. The first time they pick out their own outfits.
Luke: The first time they tell you they're going to school and then you follow them, and they get in their car and drive to Wal-Mart.
Mr. Leahy: Wal-Mart?
Luke: And they think you don't know. They think you're just a moron and you're going, “"Hey, they must be telling me the truth, right?" And they don't think that maybe you know that they're lying to your face and that you're really mad because you guys had an agreement.
Mrs. Leahy: Oh, dear.
Luke: And that agreement was clear, very clear. And they know that breaking that agreement is a violation of everything you had talked about. Oh yeah, that is cute. That's just darling. I can't wait to experience that again. I'm sorry, did someone mention cheese?

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