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Quote from Sookie in The Big One

Lorelai: What did they say was wrong?
Sookie: You name it. Too salty, too hot, too sewer-y.
Lorelai: Honey, calm down. Some people are just stupid.
Sookie: Yes, they are stupid, and stupid people have stupid friends, and they all have to come here and be stupid together.
Lorelai: Okay, now, don't be mad at me, but I have to ask this. Are you sure there's nothing wrong with the food?
Sookie: Of course there's nothing wrong with the food. You don't think that I would know if something was wrong with my food? You don't think that I tasted every last dish that was sent back. I tasted it, Manuel tasted it, Rico tasted it, Louella tasted it. We all tasted it and it tastes fine.

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