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Quote from Lorelai in Take the Deviled Eggs...

Rory: You know, we didn't have to stay that long.
Lorelai: [laughs] Not according to Sherry. She made a very persuasive argument that if we left at six, there'd be an extra hour of sitting in traffic, so by leaving at seven we'd get home at the same time as leaving at six.
Rory: She's very up on traffic flow and rush hour and all that.
Lorelai: She's Rand McNally.
Rory: She should do traffic reports on the radio.
Lorelai: "Hi, this is Sherry Tinsdale. Looks like there's a tie-up on the boulevard. They appear to be moving every building in Harvard University so now it's just one point three miles from my house. Nice job, guys."
Rory: You're awful.
Lorelai: "Oh, and lots of cars stopped at a blue light on Garvey Avenue. Why a blue light? Well, 'cause blue's the new red."

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