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Quote from Lorelai in One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes

Rory: So, come on, tell me how the talk went.
Lorelai: Oh, it was great. It was one minute on my success in the business world, and that went very well. And it was ten minutes on the possibility that if I had had sex with a different man at a different time in my life, you wouldn't have been born.
Rory: What?
Lorelai: Ugh, I kind of got off on a tangent.
Rory: A big one. How did that happen?
Lorelai: I'll tell you about it at Al's. Just don't expect to be invited to any more swim parties at Kathy Fincher's house.
Rory: Well, don't wait 'til Al's. Tell me now.
Lorelai: Oh, I just love my little fluke.

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