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Quote from Rory in Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy

Mrs. O'Malley: Well, I read everyone's article and they were all extremely well done. Snappy, informative, well-researched. Paris, you should be very proud of the team you've assembled here this year.
Paris: Thank you.
Mrs. O'Malley: I mean, when you've got a reporter who can take an incredibly mundane and seemingly unimportant subject like the repaving of the faculty parking lot and turn it into a bittersweet piece on how everybody and everything eventually becomes obsolete, then you've really got something. Miss Gilmore, I was touched.
Rory: I owe it all to Paris.
Mrs. O'Malley: I would strongly advise that next time you give Miss Gilmore something with a little more meat to it.
Paris: Oh, yeah, great idea.

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