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Quote from Luke in Red Light on the Wedding Night

Luke: I guess for some people marriage, you know, isn't the worst thing in the world. I mean, it's probably better than being hobbled or something like that.
Lorelai: And people can evolve together, don't you think?
Luke: Maybe.
Lorelai: Yoko and John Lennon did. They just got closer and closer as the years went by. At the end, they had the same face.
Luke: It got a little spooky.
Lorelai: But cool.
Luke: Yeah, they were lucky. I guess if you can find that one person who's willing to put up with all your crap and doesn't want to change you or dress you or make you eat French food, then marriage can be all right. But that's only if you find that person.
Lorelai: Yeah, if you find that person.

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