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Quote from Sookie in That Damn Donna Reed

Lorelai: Well, he got there and I was looking for Stella and he said, "Oh, you really have a baby chick loose in the house." Like I made that up or I don't know.
Sookie: Well.
Lorelai: Well what?
Sookie: Well, you call someone and say, "Can you come and help me look for my loose chick?" It's a little...
Lorelai: A little what?
Sookie: It sounds like a code for, "I'm not wearing any underwear."
Lorelai: That's not the code for, "I'm not wearing any underwear." Sookie, you're not serious.
Sookie: Look, the first time Jackson and I...
Lorelai: Yeah.
Sookie: I called him up and told him I had a bat in my attic.
Lorelai: Honey, you do have a bat in your attic.
Sookie: So he came over and we went in the attic and he knew there was no bat, and I knew there was no bat, but we pretended to look for it. Then when we couldn't find "the bat" we went downstairs and had a bottle of wine and...

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