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Quote from Lorelai in Go, Bulldogs!

Emily: [answers phone] Hello? Gilmore residence.
Lorelai: Hey, Mom, it's me. I just wanted to leave you a message letting you know that unfortunately, I will not be able to come by tonight to take a look at your new curtains.
Emily: Lorelai, it's me.
Lorelai: So, sorry I missed you, but-
Emily: You didn't miss me. For heaven's sakes, I'm right here.
Lorelai: Hello?
Emily: Hello? Lorelai?
Lorelai: Hello?
Emily: Hello?
Lorelai: Huh. That's weird. I don't know if your machine just cut me off.
Emily: Is something wrong with this phone?
Lorelai: Anyway, uh, something came up, and I just have to take a rain check on the curtain check. [Emily keeps talking] I'm sure they're beautiful. No one knows how to pick out curtains like you. You're the curtain queen.
Emily: Hello? Lorelai, can you hear me?
Lorelai: Anyway, have a good night, curtain queen. Give my best to Dad. Bye.
Emily: Lorelai? Hello? Hello? [Lorelai hangs up]
Lorelai: See? I told you it would work.

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