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Quote from Lorelai in That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopee

Rory: So why'd you get up so early?
Lorelai: Mm, well, couldn't sleep. And, initially, I was at a loss. I mean, how would I pass the time until my one and only offspring, the fruit of my loins-
Rory: Too early.
Lorelai: ...loin fruit that she is, straggled out of bed to grace me with her presence? But then I asked myself, "W.W.T.B.F.C.D.?" And it came to me in a flash. "I'm gonna make waffles."
Rory: "What would the Barefoot Contessa do?"
Lorelai: Exactly.
Rory: Barefoot's one word.
Lorelai: Shut up, loin fruit.

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