Quote from Rory in That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopee
Rory: And, already, you are way ahead of a lot of people as far as parenting skills go. Like Britney. Britney Spears does not know which end of a baby goes up. And Courtney Love? She's no June Cleaver. Lane: Yeah, I bet I could be a better mother than Courtney Love. Rory: My sock drawer could be a better mother than Courtney Love. But, yes, of course you would be. And Michael Jackson. You know not to name a child "Blanket." Lane: I do know that. Do not name your baby after an inanimate object. Rory: See? Way ahead of the pack. Lane: Yeah. Hey I wonder if Blanket ever met Tom and Katie's baby, Pillow. Rory: Yeah, that would be a perfect playdate. Lane: Yeah, when it's nap time, they would be totally set. Rory: And then they could invite Gwyneth's Apple over afterward for a little snack. Lane: Banjo, Rachel Griffiths' baby, could play for them. Rory: And then they could all jump in Mia Farrow's Satchel and make fun of, uh... what's his face? Lane: Oh, Pilot Inspektor Lee. Rory: Yeah. [both chuckle]