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Quote from Luke in Super Cool Party People

Luke: [on the phone] It's like a funeral hall in there. I didn't know 13-year-old girls could be so unhappy.
Lorelai: Where are you? I don't hear anything.
Luke: I'm in the storage room. I come in here and hide a lot.
Lorelai: And leaving them unsupervised?
Luke: Well, there's a peephole here I can see out of.
Lorelai: You're peeping at the girls from the storage room?
Luke: I do not have time for any weird jokes.
Lorelai: Okay, what are they doing?
Luke: Well, April was playing cards. Some of the others were reading and playing video games. At the moment, they're all just standing in line, waiting to go to the bathroom.
Lorelai: You didn't plan any activities?
Luke: It's a birthday party. I thought that was the activity!

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