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Quote from Luke in Super Cool Party People

Luke: All right, I'm Luke. Some of you know me. I'm April's dad. [applause] So, um, before we get the party started, I just wanted to lay down some ground rules - some simple dos and don'ts - so that everybody has a good time and goes home in one piece. Okay. So, this is the party area. You are to remain in the party area at all times. The kitchen is strictly off limits. Under no circumstances are you to enter the kitchen. It's incredibly dangerous back there. One turn of the wrong dial, you could burn your face off. And I've got so many knives back there, you so much as trip, you could lose an arm, you could chop off fingers, you could poke out an eye. And do not go upstairs. That is not part of the party area. Everyone must remain in the party area at all times. And finally, do not go outside. I will not give anybody permission to go outside, okay? Are we clear?

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