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Quote from Kirk in I Get a Sidekick Out of You

Kirk: I have to ask you something. Do you think he's yummy enough?
Rory: Who?
Kirk: Troy.
Rory: The bartender?
Kirk: Yes. See, I put this company together for the sole purpose of bringing truly yummy bartenders to the lonely women of Stars Hollow, but they really have to be yummy. I'm talking mouth-watering, tasty morsels of manhood. Which, by the way, was the original name of the business, but it was already taken by a firm in Woodbridge.
Rory: Really?
Kirk: Yeah. Now, when I first met Troy, I thought he was the epitome of yummy, you know? But now I see him in the moonlight, I'm not so sure.
Rory: Oh, I wouldn't worry about it, Kirk. I think Troy's plenty yummy.

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