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Quote from Luke in Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number

Luke: Okay. Uh, just a couple of questions here. Once you've electrocuted me and I'm dead, uh, how exactly do I get to the operating table?
Lorelai: Uh, good question. Maybe I can position the operating table right near the electric chair so I can just flop you over onto it after you die.
Luke: Okay, let's say we work that out. Now that I'm on the table, you're gonna cut me open with what?
Lorelai: A big, rusty saw.
Luke: And then you're gonna pull link sausages out of me.
Lorelai: Real slow and creepy like.
Luke: Okay, great. Last question. Uh, what are the odds of you getting me to do a skit where you electrocute me, cut me open, and pull link sausages out of me? 'Cause I'm thinking they're right up there with Pia Zadora making a big comeback.
Lorelai: Oh, come on.This will be fun.
Luke: No way, not happening.
Lorelai: But this is our first Halloween together as a full-blown, committed, soon-to-be-married couple. We need to start our own traditions.
Luke: I'll tell you what, I'll build you the chair, help with the test tubes, and then I'm done.
Lorelai: But you would be so scary with smoke coming out of your nose. I really want to see that.
Luke: Well, we're gonna be together the rest of our lives, so odds are you will.

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