Lorelai: Wow! Looks great, guys.
Babette: [chuckles] Yeah, we made it bigger this year. And we added a great new light effect to help Morey's face look more distorted when he drops because, you know, when you really get hanged, your eyeballs sometimes explode and your tongue splits down the middle. It's disgusting. Wanna see?
Lorelai: Uh...
Babette: Morey, shake a leg.
Morey: Okay. All set.
Babette: Okay, bombs away! Now, remember, you got to twitch around a lot, make the kids think you're dying real slow and painful. Obviously there'll be some blood shooting out, some screams, but you get the picture.
Lorelai: I-I-I do.
Morey: Babette? Tight, babe.
Lorelai: Do you need help, Babette?
Babette: Oh, no, as soon as he passes out, his muscles relax and I can slide him right out. We'll be good.