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Quote from Rachel in The One in Massapequa

Male Guest: So we never got to hear about your wedding.
Female Guest: We were surprised we weren't invited.
Ross: Oh, no, no, no. It was just our parents and one or two friends. It was a small wedding.
Rachel: But it was beautiful. I mean, it was small, but kind of spectacular.
Male Guest: Where did you have it?
Rachel: On a cliff in Barbados, at sunset. And Stevie Wonder sang "Isn't She Lovely" as I walked down the aisle.
Female Guest: Really?
Rachel: Yeah. Stevie's an old family friend.
Female Guest: Oh, my God. That sounds amazing. I'd love to see pictures.
Rachel: Yeah, so would I. You wouldn't think that Annie Liebowitz would forget to put film in the camera.

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