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Quote from Phoebe in The One with the Red Sweater

Joey: What the hell's going on? Is somebody pregnant?
Phoebe: Oh, yeah. That's me.
Joey: Oh, my God, Pheebs. You're gonna have a baby?
Phoebe: Yes. Yes, I am. Oh, my God, I'm gonna have a baby.
Joey: Wait a minute, who's the father?
Phoebe: You don't know him. It's not important. He wants nothing to do with me or the baby.
Joey: Who is this guy? Who is this guy? Because I will track him down and kick his ass!
Phoebe: David Linn.
Joey: David Linn! David Linn! David Linn!
Monica: Who's David Linn?
Phoebe: Oh, some guy from my gym. Little annoying.

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