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Quote from Joey in The One Where Rachel Has a Baby (Part 1)

Phoebe: Excuse me. Could you help me with something? The patient I'm looking for has a broken leg and he's in a wheelchair. He's, like, early to mid-30s, very attractive.
Nurse: I think I know who you're talking about.
Phoebe: Oh, yay. Great. What room number is he in?
Nurse: I'm sorry. That information is restricted to hospital staff.
Joey: She's with me. Dr. Drake Ramoray.
Nurse: Dr. Drake who?
Joey: Ramoray. It's Portuguese. We need that information. I'm a doctor.
Nurse: A doctor at this hospital?
Joey: Damn it, woman. We're losing precious time. Now, do you want this man's blood on your head-
Phoebe: Hands.
Joey: - hands. It is absolutely essential that you tell me what room the man my assistant described is staying in. He's a patient of mine. I've been treating him for years.
Nurse: He's in room 816.
Joey: 816. Thank you. And what is his name?

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