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Three Dates and a Break Up

‘Three Dates and a Break Up’

Season 4, Episode 19 - Aired April 29, 1997

After Frasier hosts a benefit in his apartment, he ends up with three dates.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: You know, it's not very kind of you to mock me, especially after I've agreed to clear out for your big date.
Frasier: Yes, all right, Daphne. Thank you very much.
Daphne: [American accent:] I'll see you later. [normal:] You see, that's the problem when I speak American, I don't know what to do with my Rs.
Frasier: Try hauling it out of here!


Quote from Frasier

Kimberly: So, tell me, how did you become interested in the theatre?
Frasier: Well, actually, I first caught the acting bug back at prep school. The very first production I ever did was "A Mid-Summer Night's Dream." Not to toot my own horn, but my Bottom received a standing ovation.
Kimberly: I'm not surprised.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: Well, at least they'll be in a good mood when they come out. There's nothing like make-up sex.
Frasier: Daphne, please. Sherry and dad do not have sex.
Daphne: Well, of course they do. They're probably at it...
Frasier: Daphne! I have to sleep at night. My dad and Sherry do not have sex.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Oh, there's my canapés.
Niles: Oh, right. Date number two. I'll be off as well. You can fill me in tomorrow.
Frasier: You'll get a full debriefing. As, hopefully, will I.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: So, for the second time in two nights Sherry manages to chase away another date! It's like she's a scarecrow in the cornfield of my love life!

Quote from Niles

Roz: Hello.
Niles: You look like an almost presentable version of someone who works with my brother.
Roz: Bite me!
Niles: Oh, it is you.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: I'm just afraid he broke up with her for all the wrong reasons.
Niles: Well, if he'd like a list of the right reasons it's available on request.

Quote from Frasier

Kimberly: Well, I worked in a lot of charities. I actually founded one that promotes pet adoption.
Frasier: Really?
Kimberly: I'm quite the dog lover. You?
Frasier: Heavens, yes. You know, I have dream of some day owning a big house in the country where I can have as many dogs as I like.
Kimberly: I just love a man who loves animals. Is it too much to hope that you are also a vegetarian?
Frasier: I just recently became one.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: All right, young animal, learn from the master. Now, follow these time-honored traditions, and you too might get lucky with that young Pekinese peach you've been eyeing in the park. Now, for mood, Vivaldi. And then, for lighting, not so bright as to show the wrinkles, not so dark as to make her think you're hiding anything. And then finally, and leaving nothing to chance, Pouilly-Fuissë, 1992. The nectar of the gods. Dear God, I could teach a course.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Sherry's not going to be there at your benefit tonight, is she? I can stop that check.

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