Gertrude Quote #49

Quote from Gertrude in Tales from the Crypt

Niles: While you're living under our roof, you'll follow our rules.
Daphne: You two should be ashamed of yourselves. What if someone got hurt?
Jason: Good.
Beverly: Jason! You are one step away from losing your broadband connection. Now apologize and shake hands.
Gertrude: [putting her arms on her hips] Pish.
Niles: What if I told you you couldn't smoke your pipes in your room anymore?
Gertrude: [mumbling] I'm sorry.


 ‘Tales from the Crypt’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: For the record, I knew immediately it was not my car. Mine has a bumper sticker on it that says, "I am pro-opera and I vote"

Quote from Gertrude

Daphne: Mum, we're off to the symphony.
Gertrude: Haven't the Germans punished us enough?

Quote from Gertrude

James: That'll be $32.03.
Gertrude: For one drink?
James: Your grandson ordered a bunch of cakes, and he said it was all on you.
Jason: Thanks for the treats, Grandma!
Gertrude: Hey!