Martin Quote #1126

Quote from Martin in Cheerful Goodbyes

Norm: Marty, you're not going too, are you?
Martin: Yeah, I have to. But hey, why don't you come to Seattle sometime? I'll show you around, have a few beers at McGinty's.
Norm: Yeah? You mean that?
Martin: Absolutely, it's only six hours flying time from here.
Norm: Six hours. You know sitting there in one place, never moving. That's, that's just not me, you know?


 ‘Cheerful Goodbyes’ Quotes

Quote from Daphne

Frasier: So, Carla, how've you been?
Carla: Well, two of my kids are in jail, the bank's about to foreclose on my house and, after tonight, I'm never gonna see Cliff Clavin again. Things are great!
Frasier: Yeah, Carla was never really a fan of Cliff's.
Carla: Yeah, not to talk the guy down, but he's a big blowhard who thinks he knows everything and never shuts up.
Daphne: Imagine.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: It was about ten years ago when I too left Boston. But the kind wishes and outpouring of emotions from my friends remain fresh in my mind. I still remember Sam throwing me a lavish party and dubbing me the "Einstein of Cheers", against my modest protests that I was merely the Neils Bohr.
Carla: You still are.

Quote from Martin

Frasier: Well, you know, I hadn't planned on making a speech, so my remarks will have to be extemporaneous.
Carla: I hope that means "dirty".
Martin: Smart money's on "long".