Martin Quote #1028

Quote from Martin in The Return of Martin Crane

[flashback to Martin in the hospital:]
Niles: I just got off the phone with Frasier. He is flying in.
Martin: Good.
[long silence]
Martin: Doc says I'll be out of here in a couple of days.
Niles: Good. They have, uh, they have a great staff here.
Martin: Uh-huh.
[long silence]
Niles: I knew this was going to happen some day.
Martin: Hey, it comes with the territory.
Niles: I'll never understand how you can take these risks.
Martin: No, you probably won't.


 ‘The Return of Martin Crane’ Quotes

Quote from Martin

[flashback to Martin's later days on the police force:]
Frank: You booted a car just to irritate your kid? Now that's a lot of trouble.
Martin: No, the real trouble was getting four guys to lift it and move it closer to the hydrant.

Quote from Kenny

Kenny: Please, Roz.
Roz: No way!
Kenny: Come on. I wouldn't be asking you if it wasn't an emergency.
Frasier: Is everything OK?
Kenny: Yeah, fine, good, everything's good. I'm supposed to stop on the way home and pick up some new... underthings for my wife.
Frasier: So?
Kenny: So? Every time I'm in one of those places I start thinking about... You know... Man-and-wife stuff. I turn all red, I start to sweat, I hyperventilate. Try getting somebody to wait on you when you look like that.
Roz: Well, sorry, Kenny, but I am not going to Victoria's Secret for you.
Kenny: Victoria's Secret? Whoa, whoa, Rockefeller, I'm talking Kmart.

Quote from Martin

[flashback to the day Martin was shot:]
Martin: Did I tell you Frasier's not coming home for Thanksgiving?
Frank: Yeah, you did.
Martin: Means I'll have to spend it with Maris and Niles. Last time, she didn't even eat anything. She just sucked air through a rice cake. Boy, he sure picked a winner.