Frasier Quote #2428

Quote from Frasier in Cranes Unplugged

Martin: Have a good time?
Frederick: I guess.
Frasier: What'd you do?
Frederick: We played some Frisbee.
Martin: Oh.
Frederick: It sucked with all those trees in the way.
Frasier: Yes, well, perhaps one day civilization will cut down all those trees, and pave over this grand wilderness, then you and your friends can play Frisbee without constraint, how would that be?


 ‘Cranes Unplugged’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: So, he's been camping before. Instead of this being something special between us, it's just another thing I've missed out on. This trip was a bust from the get-go. We leave at daybreak!
Martin: What's with you and daybreak?

Quote from Martin

Frasier: You know, I'm just about fed up with your sarcasm. I'm trying to do some father-son bonding here, so will you just butt out?
Martin: You know what? I just thought of something to write in this thing.

Quote from Martin

Martin: So did you have fun?
Frasier: Oh, yeah. It was a blast. He spent the entire time trying to ditch me. You know, I only get to see Freddie a few times a year. Usually, we make the most of it. Now all he wants to do is play that damn computer game.
Martin: Well, you know, Fras, he's not much different than you were at that age. Except instead of video screens and electronics, you always had your head in books.
Frasier: That's entirely different, Dad-
Martin: No, it isn't. We couldn't get you to do anything. You know, I remember when you read that Walden book. It was on the family camping trip.
Frasier: So? What better time to read about nature?
Martin: Well, that's just it. While you were in the cabin reading about it, we were outside enjoying it. You'd rather read about something than experience it firsthand.
Frasier: You know, my mentor remarked on that very thing.