Bulldog Quote #121

Quote from Bulldog in The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

Bulldog: Whoa!
Roz: Do I look slutty?
Bulldog: All right, if you're fishing for compliments, yeah, you look slutty.


 ‘The Dog That Rocks the Cradle’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Roz: I'm sorry I brought Alice today when we have so much work to do.
Frasier: Oh, that's all right, Roz. You know what, you'll find another nanny soon.
Roz: I better. I have a date tomorrow. It's my first one in a month. A month! Between spending my days with you and my nights with Alice, I've forgot what a real conversation is like.
Frasier: Well, don't tell Alice that, it might hurt her feelings.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: I went to all sorts of funerals as a child. My uncle's a mortician. Lovely man. He's offered to do my make-up for the wedding. [exits]
Frasier: I can just hear the whispers now. "Did you see the bride? Very life-like."

Quote from Niles

Niles: Well, I can commiserate with you, Dad. I had a rather bad day on the death front myself. Sherry?
Frasier: Yes, please, Niles.
Niles: I received a letter today saying, thanks to my divorce, I've lost my plot at Seattle's toniest cemetery.
Frasier: You mean, you're out of Verdant Hills? Oh, I am sorry, I know how much you were looking forward to being dead there.
Niles: They've wait-listed me, but I don't like my odds.
Frasier: I don't blame you. One country club fire, you can kiss your chances goodbye.