Frasier Quote #1880
Quote from Frasier in Dinner Party
Frasier: You know, Niles, I think I'm going to have a dinner party. Care to co-host?
Niles: What a lovely idea. What's the occasion?
Frasier: I got the idea last night when we bumped into Gene and Hollis Ashby at the symphony, I've always wanted to get to know them better.
Niles: Me too, they're such a charming couple. They remind me of Maris and me when we were happy.
Frasier: Really? I must have been sick that day.
Frasier Quotes
‘Dinner Party’ Quotes
Quote from Frasier
Niles: This is absurd. Why don't we just call Allison up and ask her what she thinks is so strange about us? We can both get her on an extension.
Frasier: Better yet, why don't we just get on a bicycle built for two, ride over there and ask her what's so strange about us.
Quote from Frasier
Niles: You see, she never said odd. We're getting upset over nothing.
Frasier: Nothing? Is there a good end to that sentence? "Personally, I think the whole arrangement is a little..." What? Charming?!
Quote from Martin
Frasier: Yes, but do you think we spend too much time together?
Martin: What kinds of questions are these? You're close. Lots of brothers are close.
Frasier: Yes, I suppose you're right about that. I mean, the Gershwins, the Wright Brothers.
Niles: I told you we were getting upset over nothing.
Martin: [laughs] Course, then there were the Collyer brothers.
Niles: Collyer brothers?
Martin: Oh, yeah. A couple of nutsos that shared an apartment in New York their whole lives. They even built a maze out of newspapers in there that only they knew how to get through. It collapsed on one of them and the other one just sat there with the dead body until the neighbors complained about the smell. [laughs] Pretty crazy story, huh? You recycle right, Niles?